Dokis Rob a Bank


- ? (Opening)
- ? (Natsuki at McDonalds)
- ? ("Alright! We need to do this without catching anyone's attention.")
- ? (Monika & Sayori head to the balcony)
- Sayo-Nara - Dan Salvato ("Wait a minute...")
- ? (Sayori gets on the roof)
- ? (Yuri explains the plan)
- ? ("Cool strategy, bro!")
- Overworld Day - Re-Logic ("Just watch and learn!")
- ? (Monika & Sayori sees the guard)
- ? (Monika sneaks up to the guard)
- Casual conversation - Busted Rose ("Phew! That was close.")
- ? (Yuri tries imitating the guard's voice)
- ? ("Should I just...surrender ahead of time?")
- ? (It worked)
- Shooting Gallery - Koji Kondo (Caption after Monika snatches Sayori)
- Onna no Omowaku - Yuki Hayashi (Hiding from the guard)
- ? (Sayori finds a trap door)
- ? (The door's locked)
- ? ("In my world, everything can be solved...")
- ? (Explosion)
- Courage - Yugo Kanno (Natsuki hacking into the systems)
- ? (They arrive in the money room)
- Encore - Yutaka Yamada (The Dokis collecting money)
- Straight Bet - Myth & Roid (Yuri committing mass murder)
- ? (Monika tells Natsuki to open the exits)
- Main Title Theme - Dave Porter (Breaking Good)
- ? ("We need to figure something out...Fast!")
- ? ("Hmm...You need more time?")
- Right Behind You - Mike Morasky (Yuri gets an idea)
- All of You is All of Me - Yoshiaki Fujisawa ("What's your plan?")
- ? ("What do we do?!")
- All of You is All of Me - Yoshiaki Fujisawa (Natsuki hacks into the sewer plants)
- ? ("No way. An opening?")
- ? (The Dokis go through the tunnel)
- ? (Natsuki playing a game)
- ? (The Dokis leave in their van)
- Lovely City - Calum Bowen (Outro)
- ? (Post credits scene)

Dokis Escape Prison


- とがめ - Taku Iwaski (Opening at Monika's house)
- ? (Police barge in)
- ? (Yuri's house)
- ? (At court...)
- Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2001 - Masakazu Sugimori (Prestons defends the Dokis)
- ? (Raid Shadow Legends sponsor)
- Battle Theme 2 - Paul C. R. Monk (Dokis get transported to Raid Shadow Legends)
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- ? (Judge sentences them to prison)
- ? ("NO!!! THAT CAN'T BE!!")
- ? (Monika imitates Natsuki)
- ? ("At least we're not on the death row right?")
- Sowasowa - Kikuya Tomoki (Brief note after Natsuki laughs nervously)
- ? (Natsuki encourages positivity)
- ? (Yuri being pessimistic)
- ? ("Oooooooh! Prison life!")
- Shooting Gallery - Koji Kondo (Sayori stares at Yuri)
- ? ("After all...")
- ? ("You can't be sent to horny jail if you're already in prison.")
- ? (Dokis heading towards the cafeteria)
- Sayo-Nara - Dan Salvato ("Lord please help me.")
- ? ("Seriously?")
- ? (Sayori wants food)
- Ultra Instinct Theme - Tsuko G (Sayori speaks Japanese)
- Hatsusekkyaku wa Do-S ni - Kikuya Tomoki ("So what do you want me to do?")
- ? (Sayori threatens to turn into a bomb.")
- The Stardust Man Appears - Yugo Kanno (Natsuki calls someone)
- Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto - Yasuhiko Fukuda ("Damn your Japanese is flawless!")
- ? (Monika suggests digging a tunnel)
- Microsoft Windows 95 Startup - Brian Eno (Sayori summons a rope)
- ? (Natsuki's plan)
ジョースター家 - Hayato Matsuo (Yuri's plan)
- ? (Yuri laughing maniacally)
- ? (Sayori cooking a steak)
- Key Item Get - Ryo Nagamatsu (Knife achievement)
- ? ("It's time to shine.")
- ? (Natsuki's speech)
- Con Artist - Yutaka Yamada (Monika beating up the officer)
- ? (Monika returns with the key)
- Stardust Crusaders - Yugo Kanno (Sayori repeatedly punching the gate)
- ? (Sayori exhausted)
- ? (Natsuki reveals she can lockpick)
- METAMORPHOSIS - INTERWORLD ("Impressive, very nice.")
- ? ("So what do we do when we're out?")
- ? (They arrive at the window)
- ? ("You mean, "in", right?")
- ? (Yuri cuts through the fence)
- ? (Yuri's wisdom)
- ? (They successfully leave)
- Lovely City - Calum Bowen (Outro)

- ? (Opening)
- ? (Monika hides in fear)
- Main Title Theme - Dave Porter (Breaking Bad style intro)
- ? (The Dokis are broke)
- All of You is All of Me - Yoshiaki Fujisawa (Natsuki suggests getting a job)
- Alfonso Muskedunder - Todd Terje (Studying montage)
- Picky teasing - Busted Rose ("Buuuuuuuut...I don't really trust public Wi-Fi.")
- Crossover Creek - Guy Trevino & Friends (Preston appears)
- ? (Preston lectures about AtlasVPN)
- ? ("But you already know that. Didn't you?")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- Sad Song - Yoko Shimomura ("I wish I had this when my channel got hacked...")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- ? ("You may as well be printing MONEY at this point!")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- Main Title Theme - Dave Porter (Walter White reference)
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- Alfonso Muskedunder - Todd Terje (Natsuki still studying)
- ? (Gustavo Fring)
- ? (Yuri at a carwash)
- ? (Yuri gets fired)
- ? (Monika arrives home)
- ? (Monika ranting)
- ? ("Great! Chasing the stay above the poverty line!")
- ? (Yuri thinks of possible jobs)
- Shigoto Mode - Kikuya Tomoki (Monika confused at Sayori's idea)
- ? (Sayori shows a tutorial)
- Fetty Wap - 679, Remy Boyz ("HOW TO MAKE CRYSTAL" title card)
- Confidence Man - Yutaka Yamada ("We make crystal, then we sell it!")
- ? (Meth-making montage)
- ? (Sayori congratulates Monika)
- ? (Lawyer Natsuki)
- Ultra Instinct Theme - Tsuko G ("OH MY GOD! ARE YOU COOKING CRYSTAL?!")
- ? ("I'm pretty sure we crossed that line a long time ago.")
- All of You is All of Me - Yoshiaki Fujisawa ("But I got a job! As a lawyer no less!")
- ? (Monika weighs the crystal)
- ? ("No, each.")
- ? (Natsuki changes her mind)
- ? (And I thought you were going to be an "Upstanding" citizen?")
- A Shadow Lurking in The Town - Yugo Kanno ("Is it really a crime if no one finds out?")
- ? (The Dokis' plan)
- ? ("You do the dealing...")
- ? ("What? Why?")
- ? ("I'll tell you why: because of the IRS!")
- Killer - Yugo Kanno (After Natsuki says "IRS")
- A Scheme - Yutaka Yamada (Meth-selling montage)
- Casual conversation - Busted Rose ("Now that's worth celebrating.")
- ? (Popcorners)
- ? ("Say. Their. Name.")
- Comedy Blend (American) - Kikuya Tomoki (Sayori faints from Yuri biting her)
- Courage - Yugo Kanno (More meth montage)
- ? (Monika spots another meth dealer)
- ? (Monika drives them away)
- ? (Monika hiding in fear)
- Crawl Space - Dave Porter (The others on their way to save Monika)
- Casual conversation - Busted Rose (Sayori runs over the meth dealers)
- ? (Court trial)
- ジョースター家 - Hayato Matsuo (Natsuki [in disguise] enters)
- Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2001 - Masakazu Sugimori (Prosecutor objects)
- ? (Yuri and Sayori support her claims)
- Right Behind You - Mike Morasky (Natsuki accuses Preston)
- Shigoto Mode - Kikuya Tomoki (Preston shocked and confused)
- ? (Dokis celebrate)
- Freestyle - Taalbi Brothers (Dokis burn their meth materials)
- Lovely City - Calum Bowen (Outro)
- ? (Sayori's plan to steal Coca Cola's receipe)
- Lovely City - Calum Bown (Outro resumes)

Dokis Have a Sleepover


- ? (Opening)
- ? (Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki walk towards Monika's house)
- ? (Dokis check out Monika's living room)
- Comedy Blend (Expresso) - Kikuya Tomoki (Sayori pulls out a nerf gun)
- Gufufu - Busted Rose (Sayori gets on top of Yuri)
- ? ("By the way, Monika...")
- Shigoto Mode - Kikuya Tomoki ("I thought you were going to bring food!")
- ? ("Wait, there's no food...")
- Causal conversation - Busted Rose (Yuri orders pizza)
- ? ("Alright. Food's secure.")
- ? (Natsuki singing Never Gonna Give You Up)
- ? (Dokis get worried over Natsuki's absence)
- ? ("Wait a second...")
- ? (Preston lectures about AtlasVPN)
- ? ("But you already know that. Didn't you?")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- Sad Song - Yoko Shimomura ("I wish I had this when my channel got hacked...")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- ? ("You may as well be printing MONEY at this point!")
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- Main Title Theme - Dave Porter (Walter White reference)
- ? (Sponsor resumes)
- ? ("You're all supposed to go save Natsuki, weren't you?")
- Pandemonium - Ryosuke Nakanishi (Natsuki held hostage)
- ? (Junko revealed)
- ? ("You're overshadowing my queen's streaming career.")
- ? (Plays during Nagito's laughing)
- Awaken - Taku Iwasaki (SIMP!)
- Anima Mala - Yuki Kajiura (Shot of Natsuki)
- ? (Nagito gets hit with a baseball)
- ? ("Home run!")
- ? ("Let Natsuki go, this instant!")
- Sowasowa - Kikuya Tomoki (Junko pushes Nagito up)
- ? ("Well, it's not like I need him or anything!")
- ? (She looks down at him)
- ? (Dokis get out their weapons)
- ? (Yuri charges towards Junko)
- ? (Sayori bombards Junko with nerf bullets)
- ? ("Yay! Jello!")
- ? (Natsuki reminds them to untie her)
- Slow Start - Yoshiaki Fujisawa (Back home...)
- Item Catch - Koji Kondo (Pizza box opens)
- ? ("Ew. What is this?")
- Puka B - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ("Veggies?")
- ? ("You know I'm vegetarian, right?")
- ? ("What do you mean, "ew"?)
- Comedy Blend (American) - Kikuya Tomoki (Sayori eats all the pizza)
- Key Item Get - Ryo Nagamatsu ("Garfield Kart!")
- ? ("Why on Earth would we play...Garfield Kart?")
- ? (Natsuki pulls up the game)
- ? (Garfield Kart gameplay)
- ? ("I won't allow you to win!")
- Ya Tareshy [Arabic Nokia Ringtone] - Unknown (Monika sucking at the game)
- ? (Natsuki bragging)
- Waltz of the Flowers - Peter Tchaikovsky [Youtube Audio Libary] (Natsuki drip)
- ? (Natsuki falls)
- Sad Song - Yoko Shimomura (Natsuki sad)
- Race to Mt. Fuji - Kazuki Katsuta (Yuri grinding)
- ? ("Are you an undercover Garfield Kart pro gamer?")
- ? (Yuri wins the game)
- ? (Natsuki flabbergasted)
- ? ("The loser has to do the dishes!")
- Better Call Saul - Little Barrie ("NOOO!!!")
- ? ("Hey Monika. You okay if I take a bath?")
- ? (Sayori suggests bathing togethr)
- ? ("You ready for the best scrub of your life?")
- ? (Night...)
Hatsusekkyaku wa Do-S ni - Kikuya Tomoki ("Huh?")
- ? ("No fair. I wanna sleep next to Yuri!")
- Better Call Saul - Little Barrie ("What exactly do you mean by that, Natsuki?")
- ? (Sayori wants to do a rock/paper/scissors match)
- Awaken - Taku Iwasaki ("I accept!")
- ? ("You're as blank as ever.")
- ? ("Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!")
- ? (Sayori wins)
- ? ("I'll sleep on the couch.")
- ? (Sayori sad)
- ? (Monika throws a pillow at Sayori)
- ? (Yuri gets hit)
- ? ("Uh oh! We've woken up the beast!")
- ? (Monika wants to sleep)
- ? (Yuri suggests a horror story)
- ? (Yuri begins the story)
- ? ("It's not that bad!")
- ? (Yuri resumes the story)
- Picky teasing - Busted Rose (Monika thinks it's not scary)
- Panic - Yasuhiro Misawa ("Oooooh! That was so scarwey!")
- Lovely City - Calum Bowen (Outro)
- ? ("It's the nightmare ghost!")
- Hatsusekkyaku wa Do-S ni - Kikuya Tomoki ("Huh?")
- Lovely City - Calum Bowen (Outro resumes)

More to be added...

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